The Simple Gospel​
The Universal Bad News: it doesn’t matter who we are, be it gangster or goody-goody, we have all thought, intended, and done wrong. God is a Holy God and Righteous Judge, all wrong must be properly punished.
The Universal Hope: God allowed one provision: if a person, anyone, would be without fault, God would allow them to receive our punishment, that would be, of course, if they would be so willing.
Enter Jesus.
Because our God isn’t just holy and righteous, but also loving, He sent His only genetic Son, who was indeed tempted with all our temptations, yet never once surrendered to them. He, alone, qualifies.
And this son, Jesus, told us why He came: Matthew 20:28, “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Jesus came with a mission, to pay for our guilt. He alone was qualified and willing.
Now if you could take the sum total of all the crimes of human hearts what punitive response would be appropriate? The Bible says it would be death. Jesus, just as the Bible promised from the beginning, came to die on the cross to satisfy the righteous requirement to punish all sin and yet, to give the sinner (like you and me) the opportunity to escape that punishment and be made right with that perfect, holy, righteous and loving God.
How do we know it was enough?
Just like the Bible promised, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. That proved that the wage of our sin, death, was paid and cleared.
Enter us.
As love drove the God of heaven to send His Son, and as love compelled Jesus to pay our price on the cross, God invites us to respond with love; to open and offer our hearts to the God who took our shame. And clearly love isn’t love without a choice, God now gives us this choice.
Will we respond with love or leave His love unrequited?
As the bill of our blame was paid by Jesus, we will still have the responsibility to receive that offer. In doing so we confess our need (as a sinner) and profess our reception of Jesus’ payment, declaring Him our Saviour and Resurrected Lord.
Will you do so?
You can do so right now!
It’s just a prayer away ----->
A Sample Prayer of Salvation
God in heaven I recognise you as perfect, holy and righteous and I am not.
I have done wrong before You.
But I trust that You love me so much that You
sent Your Son Jesus to die for all my sin and shame.
He died, was buried and rose again, just like You promised in the Bible
and now You give me a choice
and I say, “Yes”
Yes to Jesus’ payment for my sins
Yes to Your forgiveness
and Yes to Jesus as my Saviour and Lord.
I hand You my life,
I am Yours
In the Name of Jesus,